Standard repair Servo - Spindle Drives

Our standard repair service for Servo - Spindle Drives:

  • All devices are preventively repaired. Following work will be performed on this device:
  • Replacement of worn and defective parts such as capacitors, transistor modules, ICs and resistors.
  • Overhaul and testing e.g. driver amplifier control, transistor module control and network modules.
  • The drive module will be tested on the motor test system with an original motor for a prolonged period of time.
  • Thorough cleaning: where required, the old paint will be removed and the relevant surface will be repainted.
  • The high quality work enables us to provide 12 months warranty for proper functioning.
  • Look at our repair process

We know about the following faults, for example, and can remedy them:

Fault Cause
No function or LED display Power supply module, power supply module control, internal short circuit
The motor stutters Driver amplifier control, transistor modules failed
Only functions after warming up Internal power supply unit, system control board
No communication with the CNC System control board

In principle, any possible faults can be detected and remedied in our test system. Look at the photos and videos of ours test stands

Our current brochure about industrypart GmbH can be found in Download area.

You can contact us in the following way:

Chat with our customer support, write us a message: or call us: +49 6251 9888430