Environmentally friendly and sustainable process flows are a matter of course for us

I see repairing and maintaining technical equipment as an honest and sustainable solution, where above all the environment will benefit.

(Viktor Siebert, Managing Director industrypart GmbH)

Electronics manufacturers are producing more and more through faster development cycles. In the event of a malfunction, motors and complete drives are only completely replaced. The necessity of the exchange should however generally be questioned more often, especially in terms of sustainability.

A resource-saving alternative would be repair

The replacement of e.g. defective engine components creates a lot of waste, which can be avoided by repairing the old, robust plant. can. Likewise, environmental pollution can be minimized by proper disposal of electronic components.

Sustainability in the repair business

A sustainable way of working is one of industryparts essential business and core competencies. For example, we have switched to LED lighting, use photovoltaic systems and are constantly working on ideas to reduce waste and save electricity.

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